Dear Tae-hyun,
We learned about rockets today in school! REAL ones! Like the ones that fly all the way into space! The teacher drew this huge picture on the board with arrows and numbers and something about "air" and "thrust" and I think "dynamics"? I dunno, it was a lot of words.
The other kids nodded like they understood, but I think they were just pretending. Because honestly? I had no idea what was going on. I was just sitting there thinking, I can’t even tie my shoes properly, and now I’m supposed to know how to build a rocket?
But I DID draw my own rocket! Mine had bird wings so it could go faster. The teacher didn’t like it, but I think it’s genius. Maybe one day, I’ll build a real one, and he’ll see that I was right!
Wanna meet this weekend? I’ll tell you everything I think I learned (which is not much), and we can try to make our own rocket! How hard can it be?
Your future rocket scientist friend,