Dear Mr. Kim,
I regret to inform you that I won’t be able to participate in sports class today. Or tomorrow. Or possibly ever again. My legs are on fire. Not literally (thankfully), but if pain had a national ranking, I’d be on the podium right now.
Why? Well, I broke the world record for rope skipping. That’s right. No one on Earth has ever jumped faster than me. I was so in the zone that I managed ten full jumps before the Great Leader could even say, "Nuke the South."
The crowd went wild. My legs, however, filed for immediate retirement. I suspect they are currently plotting revenge.
So please, be kind to me in the next lesson. Maybe let me sit this one out? Or at least replace our warm-up run with something more relaxing… like meditation. Or sleeping.
Your student (and North Korea’s undisputed jump rope queen),