Dear Ji-ho,
You won’t believe it—I finally got them! My very own pair of North Korea’s first real sneakers, designed and produced right here. Look at the photo—aren’t they amazing? They feel so different from the old shoes I’ve been wearing. Light, comfortable, and they even have that new shoe smell. I’ve never been prouder of something on my feet!
Everyone has been talking about these sneakers. They’re supposed to be a big step forward for our country, and honestly, they feel like it. When I walk, I feel faster, like I could run all the way to your city in them (but let’s be honest, I’ll take the bus instead).
Have you seen anyone wearing them in your town yet? I bet they’ll be everywhere soon! Maybe one day we’ll even have sneakers like the ones we see in magazines. Until then, I’m just happy to have these.
Write back soon!
Your friend,