Dear Western World,
Greetings from my humble atelier in Pyongyang. My name is Hwan, and I am a painter. As I write this, I am putting the finishing touches on a portrait of our great leader. You can see me in the attached photo, wearing my favorite hat (yes, it has a crown—one must always paint in style) and accompanied by a lovely white pigeon who often visits me. It’s quite the scene, isn’t it?
As I paint, I find myself pondering your world of elections and term limits. It must be such a novel experience, to have the chance to choose your leaders and, more importantly, to know they won’t hold their positions forever. Here, of course, our leaders are "elected" for a lifetime, a concept that makes elections feel more like ceremonies than choices. I must admit, the idea of a real vote, where outcomes aren’t predetermined, is fascinating.
While I paint this portrait, I think about the freedom you have to express yourselves, to critique your leaders, and to see change when you demand it. Treasure that. It’s a gift as rare and beautiful as the pigeon perched here beside me.
Perhaps one day, I’ll paint a portrait of a leader chosen by the people—what an inspiring subject that would be. Until then, I’ll keep adding my brushstrokes and dreaming of a world where art and freedom flourish side by side.
Yours in creativity and contemplation,